Coded Bias

   I was able to watch the documentary Coded Bias through the Media Fellow Program and thought that this was a great way to further understand the documentary. When watching the documentary it was hard to believe that a lot of the information that was presented was real. It all seemed like it should be in an episode of the show Black Mirror. With all the technology that we have today, it's not a secret that everything you do online is monitored. All of the information for every purchase, social media interaction, or apps is tracked and used for everything under the sun. Today, data is more valuable than oil. A lot of people know that these sorts of things are already happening but do not care to act upon change because there isn't much the people can do to stop being monitored. Data collection and trade is just simply a part of our daily life now. 

  I am partially unbothered by this practice because, in public relations and social media marketing, we rely on this data to stay afloat and to predict what moves to make. In the world we live in now, technology is ever-changing and we must adapt to it. 


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