Privacy TEDtalk videos

    As crazy as it may sound, online privacy has never really concerned me too much. I have been an avid lover of technology since I was around 8 years old. Back then, I would just be playing games on the computer but still knew how to input personal information onto the internet. Fast forward 13 years, making multiple accounts on many different sites and social media platforms, just by a quick google search of my first and last name even though I don't have a large following on the internet, a lot of information comes up. 


    Surprisingly, this does not bother me too much. The only information that I would consider private would be my cell number, and other confidential information such as credit cards, SSN, etc. In the video with Juan Enriquez he talks about our electronic tattoos and how they identify who we are in the digital world. There are people constantly tracking anything and everything we do online. Technology has evolved to a point where Facebook can recommend which of your friends to tag in your posted photos with friends because they recognize their faces through facial recognition built into the social media platform.

    But as crazy as all of this is, it doesn't phase me too much. Because I have grown up in a world where it's now too late to take this information of the internet, so why sweat the small stuff. If anything, I will just get more targeted ads towards my interest which I enjoy. I would rather see ads for stuff I like that random things that do not interest me. The time that I spend on my technology should be enjoyable. 


Enriquez, J. (2013, February). Your online life, permanent as a tattoo. Retrieved December 04, 2020, from 


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