Anti-War in the Mainstream Media

  After exploring both sites & American Conservative and reading the views of the writers. I think that these antiwar voices are not commonly heard in the mainstream media because our media today tries to sugar-coat our news as much as possible. On most morning shows, we do not hear that much news anymore. They tell us about the weather, new gadgets to be on the lookout for, and celebrity gossip. Currently, with the news from Covid-19 as well as the upcoming election we are hearing a bit more political news that we would usually hear on the mainstream media but after the election is settled and Covid-19 is no more I feel that our news will just go back to normal. 

   A lot of the media right now is filled with negativity. "News" in the United States can be from any topic under the sun, it just depends on how you present it to your audience. Our lives are constantly filled with so much negativity and our mainstream media wants our news to be comforting and show the United States in a positive light. Unfortunately, from reading through these sites, I have recognized that there is so much information that we the people do not know. Just like all other media, this site uses crazy titles to stand out among other titles. Although, with the plethora of new outlets around today it is important the read all sides of the media to be properly informed with the right information. 


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