about me

hiiiii! My name is Zoe Ganis! I am a pop culture & production major with a minor in social media marketing/fashion merchandising. I am from Mooresville, North Carolina which is 45 mins from Charlotte and around 1.15 hours from High Point. In my studies, I am working towards learning more about social media marketing by taking an intro to marketing class this semester as well as taking my second fashion class this semester, fashion history. Outside of class, I like to watch Youtube, Door Dash for some extra cash, spend too much time on Tik Tok, Facetime my puppy Cowboy (11-week old Golden doodle), and hang out with friends. After HPU, I hope to not be living at home. I really hope to be able to move to the greater Los Angeles area and work for a fashion or beauty company by creating or planning content for their social media.
Also, my favorite food is sushi, bagels, spaghetti & BOBA!!!

my puppy cowboy!
me drinking boba!


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