
Showing posts from September, 2020

How Do You Get Your News?

Now-a-days it's seems to be more and more difficult to determine the difference between what is real and fake news. A lot of news today is real at the core but fluffed up with false information to make it seem more drastic. News outlets have turned into gossip channels and sharing the best and most wanted gift to get your kids this Christmas. I know that a lot of the sources I use to get my news are not reliable and should always questioned but I do not go out searching for news. I stumble upon it. I don't look for the news, the news just finds me. Here are five outlets that news ends up finding me. Tik Tok Tik Tok is my left-leaning liberal happy place. I am definitely on the side of Tik Tok that strongly dislikes Trump. As much as I also disapprove of him, I fully understand that the information being fed to me can be fueled by hate. I have been using the app since October of 2018, which is a lot earlier than other users joined. Before 2020 I used Tik Tok as a form of enterta